Major Not Minor Music

I love listening to songs I really like. I have my own favorite artists, favorite genres, and favorite ways of listening to music. Practically 100 percent of my music-listening takes place on products made by Apple. They are not out to cheat me, are not linked to the mafia, and are not racketeers.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Bree Sharp starts scavenger hunt for her songs on popular TV shows

Bree Sharp has had her songs featured on some of the most popular TV shows around a number of times.

Here is a list from her web site:
Show's Featuring "America":

1. Dawson's Creek (season 3, ep 8) episode 308, "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"
2. Third Watch (episode 1.19) "Spring Forward, Fall Back"
3. Party of Five (season 6, ep 11) episode 6.11, "Fear and Loathing"
Featuring "The Cheap and Evil Girl" and "Show Me":
4.G-String Divas "Lapdance 101 with Jordan",
"No Strings Attached", and "Dancing with Divas"
Featuring "Galaxy Song":
5. Roswell episode 1ADA12, "The Convention"

Pretty successful singer-songwriter!!

Check out the Bree Sharp web site and you will see what I mean!

And hear it too, most likely.

My favorite Bree Sharp song is Cheap and Evil Girl. It is just so well-written it is amazing, and she sings it so very well too.

It is one of those songs that you do not know how to take: serious, humorous, tongue-in-cheek, or pop.

Whichever it is, it is very good. Most of her songs are. Which explains why she has had no trouble getting her songs brought to the attention of Hollywood. And a lot of TV viewers and radio listeners!

Plus, man - she's cute!

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Small Number of Video iPods Shipped With Windows Virus after September 12, 2006

Apple has shipped a virus, presumably its first virus, for Microsoft Windows this fall.

The virus only affects computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Apparently, it spreads to all other removable media hooked up to the computer after that.

Apple - Support - Small Number of Video iPods Shipped With Windows Virus:
...less than 1% - of the Video iPods available for purchase after September 12, 2006, left our contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus. This known virus affects only Windows computers....

Kind of a black eye for both Apple and Microsoft.

And the band played on....

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

OnTour free iTunes-to-band-schedule lookup widget for Macintosh Dashboard

OnTour is one of the coolest Mac OS X (Tiger) Dashboard widgets I have seen in a long while.

It scans your iTunes music collection, then downloads the schedule of when the bands you have in your collection are coming near to your town to perform in the near future.

Is that pretty great or what??!

OnTour - Dashboard - Music:
Never miss a concert again! You%u2019ll get comprehensive concert listings for your town. More importantly, concerts of artists in your iTunes will be highlighted in the %u2018My Artists%u2019 section of results so that you%u2019ll be sure to see them. Links are provided to ticket options as well as to iTunes so you can listen to samples of artists coming to your town. The website that supports the widget,, provides artist discographies, links to iTunes, Google maps, and links to ticket vendors.

pretty amazing musical Flash demo

There is a website with a really cool demo of a a music synthesizer for Flash.

It is at whitney music box var. 0 - chromatic - 48 tines and it is pretty wild.

It sounds almost like one of the sound tracks for the suspenseful scenes in classic horror movies that I used to watch when I was a little kid.

The graphics that accompany the music are really neat too.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

iTunes 7 helps you uncrash your iTunes

The iTunes 7 version of the popular music application from Apple has one new feature that is a life-saver for its users.

It lets you read back all of your purchased-from-iTunes music from your little iPod to a different Mac than the one you synched it with. [Naturally, it must be one of the 4 or 5 Macs that you have associated to your iTunes store identity.]

When your old Mac crashes, you will suddenly see this feature as very cool.

It does not let you read back MP3 files. Presumably, you can read them back from your CD collection, and do not need to read them back from your iPod. In reality, that would be a very nice convenient.

But in practical terms, they probably cannot tell at present whether such MP3 files are really yours - or not. So out of deference to the music publishing industry, I assume, they do not offer that capability yet.

Anyway, I think this is one cool feature Apple has introduced. If your computer you have your iTunes library on crashes, you are going to love this feature!!